Capitalism and Communism: A Comparative Analysis

Throughout history, various systems have been set to govern societies around the world. Capitalism and communism are the two most analyzed and debated systems that affect the economy and society in very different ways. They are concepts that can be analyzed through a multitude of disciplines. This paper attempts to draw a comparative analysis between … Read more

India and Nuclear Disarmament

What is Disarmament? The model of disarmament is a conflict resolution model in the scope of international relations. A model whose primary objectives are to limit, reduce or outright abolish armed forces, which can range from arms to military equipment. The ultimate end goal being to coax competing states into negotiation rather than pursuing more … Read more


Diplomacy and all of its associated procedures are frequently depicted in films about international politics. As a result, the following list seeks to condense the most intriguing, inspirational, but also critical films about diplomats, diplomatic operations, and overt and covert discussions into 10 selections. The list is not intended to represent any political viewpoint. In … Read more

Civil Society: Development, Characteristics & Significance

Introduction: One of the important characteristics of modern society is the differentiation of social life into different spheres, such as the family, the economy, civil society, and the state. Unlike this, pre-modern societies were less differentiated and the functions (social, economic, political, cultural) were all under the ambit of one head or a few institutions … Read more

Theories of International Relations: Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism

Theories of international relations help us better comprehend how international systems function and also how states interact with one another and perceive global aspects. Diplomatic officials and international relations scholars frequently employ international relations theories, which range from liberal, justice-based approaches to simple realist notions, to determine the path that a nation should take concerning … Read more