Parallel descent concept and meaning

PARALLEL DESCENT: Every community in a society follows some set pattern in which a hierarchical process of giving some amount of money or land is observed in the same lineage. It also accounts for the basic relationship between parents and off-springs. From early times it has been observed that there is two kind of descent in … Read more

Parallel and Cross Cousins Concepts and Meaning

Parallel and Cross Cousins There are different relationships in this world, in which siblings relationship are studied in two different ways too. Firstly there was an only concept leading to real siblings irrespective of their gender which has evolved from your parents. But then two types of siblings came into the picture that is a … Read more

Multinational Corporations meaning and Characteristics

Multinational Corporations are the organization which operates in two or more than two countries for producing goods and services to its customers. Multinational companies are smaller packets of a parent institution which sell its products worldwide.   There are some major characteristics of Multinational Corporations:- MNC have a huge turnover because of its operation on … Read more