Utopianism or Utopia Meaning & Definition

The term utopia is defined as something where everything is perfect. In sociology, the concept is used with reference to the societies where every there is no conflict and known as ideal society.  The word ‘utopia’ was derived from a novel by Thomas Moore titled ‘utopia’. It refers to the imaginary island called Utopia, where … Read more

What is Social Crime or Social Bandit

social crime or social bandit. The term social bandit was invented by Eric Hobsbawm.  Social bandit is one of the most important issues regarding the social disorder. Firstly people need to be aware of its consequences, in terms of religion and law. Once people are aware of its consequences, there is likely to a reduction. … Read more

Minority Groups : Definition, Characteristics, Types, Problems

American sociologist Louis Wirth (1945, p. 347) defined minority groups as “a group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination”. “All, too, will bear … Read more

What is Social Exchange Theory and Explanation

It is proposed by the social exchange theory that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. The basic purpose of exchange theory is to maximize benefits and minimize costs. In sociology, social exchange theory is a very major theoretical perspective Social exchange theory is a two-sided process involving two actions – one is … Read more