Utopianism or Utopia Meaning & Definition

The term utopia is defined as something where everything is perfect. In sociology, the concept is used with reference to the societies where every there is no conflict and known as ideal society.  The word ‘utopia’ was derived from a novel by Thomas Moore titled ‘utopia’.


It refers to the imaginary island called Utopia, where a perfect socio-economic-political system existed, there was no exploitation and people were happy. Some important socialist thinkers are Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, Louis Blanc, saint simons, Sismondi, Proudhon.

Generally, the term is explained with the reference to Marx and Marxist school of thought. There were early socialist thinkers before Karl Marx and Marx calls them utopian socialists. Marx calls his socialism as  “scientific socialism”. It explains not only the true causes of exploitation but also offers the scientific remedy of revolution and to cure the social ills of exploitation.

Also Read: Utopian Socialism

Socialism meant collective regulation of the affairs of people on cooperative basis, with the happiness and welfare of all as the ultimate goal , when it gets combined with utopia , it is known as utopian socialism or utopianism, where society’s ultimate goal and welfare of the people is achieved According to Karl Marx humanity should have two characteristics  for species:

  • The capacity for harmonious society with others.
  • The capacity for free, conscious and universal labor.

Karl Marx vision depicts a classless society inhabited by liberated individuals  whose labour is creatively  satisfying and free of alienation. This vision  clearly signifies utopia or the utopian society, where everything is perfect and everybody is living harmoniously .

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Tanya is an excellent team player with strong cognitive skills. She has a keen interest in sociology and is a passionate writer. Currently pursuing a Ph.D., she is a strong believer in righteous acts and good deeds.