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Effects of migration on families | Family and Sociology

Unlike the Western culture, Indians believe in a traditional and value-based life which is reflected through the institutions of families. The family is an important factor giving rise to migration. Families exist in two forms- as nuclear and as a joint family. Most migrants can be seen from joint or larger families because of a number of problems present in a large family. Indian families usually function through a patriarchal setup where there is a male head under whom the remaining family members function.

The decisions are usually taken by the head and without even taking into consideration other member’s opinions. This creates a rift between the family itself and might also lead to its member’s unhappiness. Because everyone requires the liberty and space to exercise his thoughts, it is the most fundamental right one could ask for. But a lack of it makes the younger member too often leave the family and settle independently. This weakens the family ties. Apart from this larger families have limited earning opportunities because mostly the head earns hence the demand is more but supply cannot suffice the needs which causes a higher dependency ratio. The land might also be insufficient to support the family which takes us to the next family problem i.e, inheritance.

The principles of inheritance always create conflicts not only within the family but even outside. Sometimes the desire to inherit goes to an extent that one might also fall to illegal or criminal practice. The rules of inheritance tend to impede and catalyze migration. In order to counteract and keep up to society’s demands, one has to handle pressure and disintegrate and segregate to make the family financially strong. Even though it requires one to live away from their families, it is only done for the betterment of the conditions so that their coming generation does not have to face any problems. The increase in capital earners, stabilizes the financial situation and help it to emerge and evolve along with society. The existing generation becomes experienced enough to send its younger generation outside being aware of the opportunities available there because of familial ties they couldn’t have.

In a way, the present generation is trained to migrate to keep pace with the growing globalization and competition. No one wants to be left out. At the basic level, we have instances of parents sending their children abroad to pursue their higher education. But these are only very few, there are others who think that migrating abroad limits one from its freedom and respect which they could have enjoyed in their own country. And this to some is true enough. They prefer migrating within the country that is across regions. But then too if not international politics, one has to succumb to state politics. We all are aware of how difficult it is for someone who comes from the state of Uttar Pradesh to live in the state of Maharashtra.

The difference between the rural and urban setup is what makes people attracted to the urban places. There’s an inequality in the development of both. The urban is continuously progressing ahead and what was behind, due to neglect and ignorance is lagging behind even more. In the words of William. L. Swing, “ We cannot and should not stop people from migration. We have to give them a better life at home. Migration is a process, not a problem.” Slowing down migration won’t help because actually, the problem is inequality. That adds up to Global Inequality. This indifference makes the family members migrate to urban cities if they come from a rural setup. Once the person moves out from the rural place and finds a means to support life better than when at home, they encourage their younger siblings to move out of their place too.

They initially use their family ties to find a job and thus strengthen their trust and reliability, thus promoting social brotherhood. Because one remains new to the place they try to establish good relations with ones already living there. In this way, the circle keeps increasing and makes one socially mature.

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