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Working Class: Meaning & Short Notes

The working class also called a laboring class, is the group of people employed for wages, especially in manual-labor tasks and in skilled, industrial work too. These people are classified under those who earn their bread and butter by selling their skills and labor, which were required at reasonable wages.  Due to the fact of being the poverty-stricken and financial crisis, these people are left with no other option, rather choose the alternative of working under someone else and earning for their livelihood.

working class meaning and definition,examples

Secondly, as per a famous German Sociologist, Karl Marx, the people categorized under the section of working-class are also called proletariats who are considered as a means to create the wealth of a society. It also consists of four main groups as unskilled laborers, artisans, outworkers, and factory workers.  Additionally, further classification of the same, lumpenproletariats also known as rag-proletariats who belong to unemployed poor class laborers too works for the same motive.

Apart from this, the working class differs from the middle class, in terms of their basic earnings and level of their lifestyles which they achieve through their respective jobs, by utilizing their skills and required knowledge. They are the ones who include both white and blue-collar workers, excluding individuals who have the sole ownership of their own respective businesses, and earn their living by mostly on the hourly basis of wages. Thus working class forms a base in the entire structure, of the functioning of the society.

War, a state of armed conflict or quarrel between two or more parties to achieve victory over one another irrespective of the means adopted, which may include by hook or by crook too, has played a major role in changing one’s life a lot at a rapid pace. While throwing light on the given topic i.e., war it occurs due to some of the basic reasons out of which the major is the lack of coordination among the respective parties or the groups, that can only be resolved by having a healthy and a sound discussion among them, to arrive at a mutually agreed decision, to avoid any kind of troubles at a later phase.

Also, it can be easily identified and recognized by extreme aggression, quarrels, destruction and mortality using forces. It only leads to violence among the people resulting in loss of lives and tangible property causing huge unrest in the society to the concerned people. Considering the same, having plentiful information about the war, the introduction of polemology called the study of wars, proved to be quite beneficial for sociologists. It describes the further categorization of wars like Tangible, Intangible, Explicit, Implicit wars, etc.

Additionally, while describing the sociology of the war a sub-category of sociology, that targets the various level of patterns of war-making, including how societies engage in warfare, the meaning that war has in society, and the relationship between state structure and war-making. It also details the sociology of war which overlaps with anthropology, political sociology, political science, and international relations.

Lastly, the entire discussion, regarding the war happenings also needs to have a proper and peaceful rectification procedure that maintains peace all over the world through the means of spreading awareness about equality among the people along with no hatred too. Thus the most common reason to be observed, about the third world war to happen, is due to water scarcity, so it is also advisable to conserve and save water.

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