10 Ways to avoid Plagiarism in a Research paper

Plagiarism means stealing or use someone else production of words or ideas as one’s own without giving the original author the credit to produce it, which leads to committing literary theft. Plagiarism can happen both the ways either deliberately or accidentally if someone steals the thought or words of another deliberately it means a violation of copyright and said to be a theft.

The worst consequence of this is taking legal responsibilities because it doesn’t matter what you steal,  it will be considered theft whereas forgetfulness and carelessness can results in accidental plagiarism which will be enough to ruin your reputation interest to damage your grades.

plagiarism guide

So everyone faces a dilemma before writing a research paper that is free from plagiarism while working on a research paper it is easy to gather information from various sources and can build upon the work of others, but it is very difficult to incorporate the sources without falling into the trap of plagiarism and end up in the disastrous result.

So, while writing a research paper make sure to express your thoughts innovatively and Express others’ words in such a way that nobody recognizes it.

While working on a research project, there is a huge chance of getting existing literature about and explaining the process, the compound structure, is described or can be any unparalleled theory being developed. In that case, you might feel not be able to improve the existing descriptive matter and made thought of copying it but it is well known that plagiarism is an unethical practice.

 A complete guideline is provided that shows let your research paper is free from plagiarism:-

         1. Sufficient Time:

  • Give yourself sufficient time by starting early while working on a paper that will overcome the negative outcomes of you missing something.
  • Having enough time will help you move miles ahead as you will be able to research more on your content and pay attention to it.
  • In case you didn’t start early with will let pressure result in making mistakes unnecessarily.
  • Moreover, it helps in conducting defect research on keywords Optimisation which would provide their picture of the contacts and helps in checking all unknown Phrases and words.

      2.  Keep track of your source:

  • By keeping track of your source you can avoid plagiarism value searching for the project and taking notes of the information gathered it is necessary to maintain the record for all the sources as well as every piece of information.
  • Doing this will help in preventing unintentional presenting which may be the possible case if the person forgets then where the particular Idea came from.
  • This Pitfall can be avoided easily by organizing notes and keeping track of every source consult. The toss can be booked through website video general articles or even magazines articles.
  • Whenever you start compiler list of citations that would help in avoiding plagiarism.

     3. Paraphrasing:

  • Paraphrasing means rewording a sentence using rich vocabulary without losing its actual meaning.
  • The most important information given by resources can be used by using words by finding suitable synonyms and preserving the same meaning.
  • One cannot just replace only one word and not copy verbatim more than two words in a row. Your content should be paraphrased in such a way that nobody can recognize its source which can be done through proper analysis of text and leaving the initial meaning.
  • Paraphrasing can be done using a paraphrasing tool that is available online that help in preventing federalism.

     4. Citation of the source:

  • Avoiding plagiarism while writing a research paper that is to be either presented at a certain seminar, meeting, or symposium or to be published in a journal needs overall accuracy.
  • The accuracy is based on the experience in skills of the paper writer and general reviewer.
  • So to avoid plagiarism while writing the research paper include and footnote citation or an in-text citation that helps the reader in identifying the original author of the source.
  • In-text citation entails the page number, Publication year, and other basic information.
  • Citations help in avoiding Plagiarism by following proper document formatting guidelines but the most important fact is that consistently apply a single unique style throughout the paper.
  • Guidelines can be provided by student’s education institute or it can also be issued by the institution that asks for the research request.
  • Different citation style including APL, Chicago and MLA style etc are available and all of them have their own rules for citing.
  • Plagiarism can develop if the citation is not done properly.

    5. Plagiarisms checker:

  •  There is a variety of plagiarism checkers available online. A plagiarism checker is the best and easiest way to check and avoid plagiarism.
  • Plagiarism checker is a technology that provides services of scanning and comparing the documents from a huge database website, publications, and highlights passages present worldwide that are somewhere related to the text.
  • Moreover, a plagiarism checker helps to find out the mistake that can invite plagiarism in case someone left out quotation work, forgets a citation, or mention a paraphrase that is closely related to the original passage.
  • The plagiarism checker is available online. Moreover, They offer more advantages along with plagiarism status like total word count date, readability, total characters etc. that can be downloaded.
  • The plagiarism checker’s key feature is that it underlines the plagiarised content, paragraph, or even line from the passage and shows the overall percentage of plagiarism that suggest how inimitable the paper is.

     6Use Quotation:

  • Quotations are applicable when the exact word-to-word definition of the original author is used that is done in case it is impossible to redraw or rephrase the sentence without losing its original or initial meaning.
  • It does not work for long passages, it works for a definition or the content whose style and authority of the words is must be maintained.
  • Hence, It helps in avoiding the chances of negative consequences while quoting a text citation guidelines must be followed, and use a quote in the exact way as appeared in the text.
  • The person working on the research paper should be able to effectively quote the text.
  • You must provide a quote the reference as this process may or may not take more time but helps in avoiding the accusation of plagiarism

    7. Reference Page:

  • Another way to avoid plagiarism is to provide a list of references to all the sources of Publication from whom you are supposed to refer.
  • Always include a reference page at the end of the paper. Citing all the referred sources you took ideas that will help you to prove your attention of not stealing or Copying anybody’s Idea and it also showcases that some famous expert supports the same standpoint.
  • This page also must strictly follow the document formatting guidelines for the reference page to help the reader to get knowledge about the referred source of Publication.

   8. Add value by citing your material:

  • If the article or content you use for the research paper was used by you somewhere in past you must have to cite the content with the previous one. Treat your text the same as the other text is treated like rephrasing, putting quotation work, etc.
  • This practice is necessary to do as using material that was used before will be considered self-plagiarism.
  • This might sound odd but it is the fact. Moreover, By doing this you can add value to your material.

  9. Take help from a mentor:

  • A student may ask for help from teachers in the educational institution or take help from a custom writer mentor who can provide a helping hand only original and innovative ideas having good sources are going to be included in the research paper.

  10. Use the internet as a source:-

  • If you use the internet as a source and found interesting content that will be useful for your research paper. Strictly follow the document formatting guideline for citing.
  • Be very careful while using the information from the internet and always provide the source reference which is remarkable in avoiding plagiarism.


  • Possibilities of founding Plagiarism have a high rate so, after buckling up with your work, proofread your work as it does not take more time.
  • Proofreading is a requirement as it scans all the content of the paper and provides assurance of citing every source and declaring 100% uniqueness as a result.
  • Many plagiarism checker applications are available online that do not only help in checking and avoiding plagiarism but also provide the feature of spelling and grammar checking.
  • These features help your research paper provide accuracy in all the grammatical mistakes that may be conducted in your research paper.
  • Thus, The overall accuracy of avoiding plagiarism as well as the accurate quality content as a whole is maintained with the help of this application.


  • Joe Nixon (2018) 10 tips for students: How to avoid plagiarism in your writing: The writing cooperative.
  • (2019) 5 Tips on how to write a research paper without plagiarism, Boosta Inc. OU edn., Harju country: Papers owl.
  • Raimo streefkerk (2019) How to avoid plagiarism, Scribbr.
  • (n.d.) 6 ways to avoid plagiarism in a research paper, Write check beta
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