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Top 100+ Dissertation Topics Ideas for Assignments, Research

100+ Interesting Sociology Dissertation Topics for your Research, Essay Writing, Assignments, Thesis: This article portrays the significant role of research in sociology since its inception. It explains the difficulties sociologists and students go through while doing their research. Furthermore, it explains in brief the methodologies and tools used in a social research. The article highlights the most important part of a social research; to arrive at a topic that encapsulates the social issue the researcher wants to understand and interpret. However, figuring out a topic can seem daunting sometimes. So, take a breather, here is a list of topics that might help you in school assignments or college dissertations and publications. The topics deal with various socio-cultural and economic issues through the globe.

In the 1800s, French philosopher Auguste Comte coined the word Sociology. He is regarded as the father of the discipline and its founding figure. As a relatively new and emerging discipline, sociology explores various facets over time. Sociology has been described by various sociologists as a science of understanding human behaviour and society’s functioning. Sociology studies society and the various factors between individuals, cultures, religions, sexes, and genders along with other institutions like marriage, education, and childbearing that affect a community. Sociology aims to understand society without imposing moral or value judgments. In everyday life, it is used to investigate and solve basic issues. 

Dissertation Topics ideas

Also Read; Sociology as a Discipline!

Sociologists have examined various patterns of social happenings over the years and have postulated theories to prove them. For doing this a hypothesis is formulated and all the factors and participants are taken into consideration before concluding. This is called social research. Sociologists use various kinds of research methods and tools to study the characteristics of their theories. Likewise, they observe and conduct experiments to gather information. There are two major methods quantitative and qualitative social which are applied as per the nature of the topic. Let’s understand the difference between them.

Students pursuing majors and minors in sociology have to submit and sometimes publish their research and dissertations. They can select the method which supports their topic and can help in its interpretation. No matter how easy it seems at first glance, researching a topic can become a tedious task. Writing a dissertation can be tough since there are various guidelines one must keep in mind to avoid mistakes. These dissertations prove to have a significant place in the student’s career since they pursue careers in research and analysis, academics, market analysis, counselling and so on. It helps a student with a keen interest in sociology to do a structured and patterned study of a topic.

Every dissertation has to follow a specific pattern. A student needs to understand the topic at hand before jumping straight into research. The topic needs to be both relevant and informative. It takes hours to narrow down a topic and then the actual work of the dissertation begins. Below you will find a list of 100 Sociology Dissertation Topics for Assignments that are worth writing about.

Learn: How to write Sociology Assignment? Explained with Examples!

List of 100 Plus Dissertation Topics & Ideas for Students!

Don’t worry if you have assignments lined up for weeks and are yet to zero down on the topic. Go through the list of the most diversified and unique topics that will help you to narrow down your research and help you out in your dissertation.

  1. Discuss the process of endogenous and exogenous changes in the socio-cultural dynamics of the society/ Indian society.
  2. Analyse the profound impact of British Imperialism on their former colonies. Observe how the formerly colonised countries underwent heterogeneous processes of change.
  3. In colonial India, did the English language serve as a window to a more secular and egalitarian future?
  4. Is a Uniform Civil Code required in ever-changing societies?  Compare the implementation of civil codes in Islamic and Western Countries.
  5. Assess the difficulties faced by transgenders in society. Analyse various factors like education, healthcare, employment, marriage and adoption.
  6. Make a comparative study of the Arranged-Marriage notion in Western and European Countries. Analyse how different it is from Asian countries like India and China and East Asian countries like South Korea.
  7. Discuss the importance of abortion laws concerning the basic human rights of women in the World.
  8. Consider the Symbolic Interactionalism theory by George Herbert Mead and determine how social interactions affect an individual’s behaviour.
  9. In Asian countries and East Asian countries, parents are more involved in their children’s lives and make major decisions for them as compared to the Western Countries. Discuss the stark differences in the upbringing and parenting styles along with their positive and negative impacts.
  10. Discuss whether women living in Matriarchal Societies have more Autonomy and Social Support as compared to those living in Patriarchal Societies.
  11. The number of live-in relationships or cohabitations before marriage has been increasing steadily over the years. In today’s generation, debate whether marriage is losing its compulsion as a social institution.
  12. Discuss whether the Monogamous structure of marriage is becoming less prevalent.
  13. Explore the attitude among people from different societies and cultures towards child adoption.
  14. Is totalitarianism or dictatorship the path to rapid development? Share your thoughts.
  15. Compare and contrast the American and Japanese working cultures. Which do you think is more efficient?
  16. Divorce rates are rapidly increasing in the West. Is divorce more frowned upon in Asian countries as compared to that in Western countries?
  17. Do Civil Societies, NGOs and Nonprofits pave the way for democracy?
  18. Analyse the role played by the media in the political socialisation of people.
  19. Examine the idea that globalisation is referred to as neo-colonialism. In your opinion, has globalisation contributed indirectly to the influence of developed countries on developing countries and underdeveloped countries?
  20. Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous Societies. Compare the two structures for implementing law and order.
  21. Is the issue of refugees only a problem of the countries they fled to or is it the collective responsibility of all nations? Comment.
  22.   Does Autocracy promise Economic Growth and Development? Focus your research on the progress of China from 1949-present year.
  23. Are the West and other European countries using different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds as a Vote Bank?
  24. Ethnic conflicts threaten the integrity and sovereignty of a Country. Take the conflicts in India’s North-Eastern region into consideration.
  25. Women are the pillar of our society and have made contributions in various sectors as well as holding a significant place in the history and culture of the world. Comment on it.
  26. Time poverty is increasing every day and preventing people from taking time for themselves. Assess it from the perspective of those engaged in paid and unpaid work.
  27. Study the relationship between urbanisation and suicide rates. Study the sociology concept of ‘Anomie’ as proposed by Emile Durkheim.
  28. LGBTQ+ representation in Films and Series: genuine efforts towards inclusion or just a mere prop for fame. Comment on it.
  29. Critically examine the alarming rate of Honour Killing Women across the Globe. Explore the role of patriarchal society in exploiting and subjugating women and denying them their basic rights in the name of Honour Killing.
  30. Explore the concept of Structural Functionalist Theory concerning the functioning of an organisation.
  31.  Examine the extent to which caste politics plays a significant role in India’s election campaign.
  32. Is the ‘Culture Of Fear’ and changing racial and ethnic composition paving the way for Racism in America?
  33. Explore Karl Marx’s statement that conflicts give rise to change and development concerning the conflicts in a workplace regarding the inefficiency of management. 
  34. Is it really clean and green to drive an electric vehicle? Evaluate the child labour involved in the procurement of cobalt for electrical vehicles in Congo.
  35. Give an elaborated assessment of the role played by Japanese Culture and Ethics in the development of Japan.
  36. Casteism and Communalism have emerged as the new face of Indian Democracy.
  37. Development in science and technology has erased the thin line between Rural and Urban areas. Comment on it.
  38. Digital banking has extended the ambit of banking and financial inclusion and has paved the way for development in isolated areas as well. Analyse the pros and cons of Digital Banking.
  39. Explore the phenomenon of ‘Great Resignation’ which was evident in the post-pandemic era.
  40. Slums are the result of delayed development and ages of ignorance. Take the biggest slum in Asia- Dharavi into consideration and analyse the social exclusion faced by them.
  41. How can Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms represent cultural films globally and enhance social representation?
  42. Discuss the social exclusion faced by former inmates when they come out of prison. Examine the factors like denial of housing, shops, discrimination faced in education, healthcare and employment and other day-to-day activities.
  43. Examine the need of stressing Elderly Care and their Social Security, especially after the Covid-19 induced Pandemic.
  44. Miscarriage leave has become the need of the hour. Examine and take note of what other countries need to learn from India and New Zealand ( the only two countries offering miscarriage leave).
  45. Compare and contrast the perspective toward same-gender relationships and marriages in different cultures.
  46. Are immigrants, migrants and refugees disturbing the social fabrication and ethnicity of a region?
  47. Ignoring climate change is not an option now. Study the importance of inclusion of climate change in policy making for a stronger economy.
  48. Make an assessment of the public education system in the UK concerning Karl Marx’s theory of conflict. Throw light on the inequality of public and private education institutes.
  49. Offer a critical assessment of the diverse religions, ethnicities and cultures and tribes co-existing in India.
  50. Explore how the increasing urban population is creating a divide between the rich and poor and degrading standard of living in cities. Study the living conditions in clustered and populous cities Hong Kong and Singapore.
  51.  Examine the role played by the circular economy in bringing socio-economic changes.
  52. Analyse the social impact of grievance cells at workplaces.
  53. Is the rise of social media and lack of in-person interaction creating a generation of lonely youth?
  54.  Is privatisation the only option to reduce the stress on public sector companies?
  55. The Citizenship Amendment Act of India contrasts the idea of Secularism adopted by the Country. Do Comment on it.
  56. Examine the role of inclusive growth in creating employment and reducing poverty.
  57. Is the concept of the Joint Family in India fading away along with the change in trends?
  58. Can bridge gender gaps at the elementary level help to bring equality in education?
  59. Along with the rise of feminism, we have noticed an increase in pseudo or fake feminism as well. Has the rise of pseudo-feminism incidents devalued the feminist movement’s goals and objectives?
  60. Observe occupational stratification at workplaces. Examine the difference in the pay scale of African-Americans and white people in the USA.
  61. Examine the thin line between secularism and protecting minorities. Is the ban on Burqa and Headgears in many non-Islamic countries justified? Do comment.
  62. Did the Covid-19 Pandemic and lockdown act as a Paradigm Shift for the Education and Healthcare sectors?
  63. Critically analyse the concept of Universal Basic Income and its role in eradicating socio-economic inequality and poverty.
  64. Moonlighting: A choice or helplessness of employees. Discover various factors which drive an employee to moonlight or do 2 jobs at the same time.
  65. Discuss the importance of making data accessible and open to the citizens of society. Explore the importance of accessible data in bringing equality within society.
  66. Conduct a case study on how social inclusions which are primarily based on factors like status, education and wealth give rise to social inequality.
  67. Investigate the sociological aspects of the gig economy and the reasons why young people prefer it more than traditional employment.
  68. Do a detailed study of the Covid Vaccination Model of India and the USA and analyse the incentives given by both countries to the citizens to complete vaccination targets. Notice the differences between the incentives and in turn the wants of people belonging to different societies.
  69. Discuss how the regulation of the Informal and Unorganised sectors will lay the foundations for an equitable social security scheme for all the citizens in India.
  70. Explore the role played by social entrepreneurs in making socially responsible investments, creating social impact and improving people’s lives.
  71. Examine the role played by Philanthropists in supporting and improving the initiatives taken by the Government.
  72. Do corporate monopolies lead to the eradication of small businesses, affecting thousands of livelihoods? Do comment
  73. Compare and contrast the treatment of women in Western and Arab countries.
  74. Discuss the restrictions on Press in Democracy and Autocracy. Compare its effects on society.
  75. Study the Nordic Economic Model and discuss whether the implementation of a similar model will be useful in bringing social equality and growth in developing countries like India.
  76. Examine the pressure men are under to be masculine. Make a list of the derogatory terms that are often used to describe men who do not conform to masculine social norms. Analyse how this impacts the mental health of men across different societies.
  77. Analyse the difference in the societies of Mainland China and Hong Kong. Explore the differences in their functioning and behaviour despite sharing the same culture and language.
  78. Discuss the importance of Gender Sensitization during secondary education. Share your opinions on it.
  79. Despite changing gender roles- working mothers and stay-at-home fathers are usually frowned upon in India as compared to western countries. Analyse different factors and stigmas behind it.
  80. Explore the necessity of Research and Analysis in the scope of the social development of society.
  81. Will the 4-day work week eventually replace the traditional 5-day work week? Explain the pros and cons of the new labour laws that allow employees to work for 4-days a week.
  82. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming more than regulations or acts for business organisations. Explore the dual role played by CSR in making organisations more socially accountable and helping them earn more profits by being responsible.
  83. Analyse the difference between counselling done in schools in India and the UK. Also, explore the importance of counselling in schools and colleges.
  84. Study the effects of Inflation on various genders and how they overcome it.
  85. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals- Agenda 2030 will help Nations to make social progress which is the need of the hour. Comment on it.
  86. How can urban transport be
  87. Critically analyse the four waves of feminism in the USA and explore their respective goals and aims. Note down the differences among various waves of feminism.
  88. Examine how social media and the internet have changed people’s social interactions. Emphasis on the new phase of socialisation.
  89. Discuss the need for the inclusion of climate change and action plans in the educational curriculum to attain a green and sustainable future.
  90. When it comes to “Coming Out,” how does it differ from society to society and from country to country?
  91. Highlight the division of labour in an Organisational Structure and how it is advantageous for its functioning.
  92. Discuss the gender stereotypes faced by men and women in various occupations.
  93. Examine the increase in gun violence and vandalism in the West in depth.
  94. Critically examine formal and informal organisations and derive the significance of the presence and absence of hierarchy in both the forms of organisations respectively.
  95. Analyse the shifting trends in pregnancy: from surrogacy to adoption.
  96. Discuss the advantage of demographic dividend and how developing countries like India and Africa benefit hugely from it.
  97. Do comedians cross the thin line between frivolity and disparagement when it comes to religious jokes? Are jokes on sensitive topics like religion necessary? Give your opinion.
  98. Understand the phenomena of Child Marriage in India. Explore the negative impact it has on society and its women.
  99. Is the youth moving on from traditional saving patterns to new-age technology-driven investments like Crypto-Currency a hint towards introducing new banking reforms?
  100. The work-from-home working model has disturbed the work-life balance. Comment on it.
  101. Analyse the discrimination faced by women in workplaces. Consider various factors like sexism, sexist and racist judgements, the struggle of entering male-dominated fields and fighting sexual harassment.
  102. The rejuvenation of open spaces in urban areas will contribute to enhancing the city’s quality of life. Do you agree or disagree?
  103. Analyse the labelling theory and its effects on the mindset of people belonging to a specific class.
  104. Is organic farming still a taboo in some societies? Study the impact of organic farming in countries like China and Srilanka.
  105. Examine the objectification of women in movies. Is it required and necessary?
  106. Analyse the disengagement theory and study disengagement in the early stage. Notice whether it is forced upon by social factors or chosen voluntarily.
  107. Understand the Strain Theory by Robert .K.Merton and examine how responses to strain lead to crime among youth.
  108. Are the beauty standards set by movies and magazines giving rise to body shaming on social media?
  109. Is it always assumed that women are inferior to men in a relationship? Do comment.
  110. Examine the need to have stringent marital rape laws and the repercussions of marital rape on the mindset of women. Furthermore, study different countries which criminalised marital rape.
  111. Examine wars through the lives of women and how they were the backbone of the economy when countries were busy fighting.
  112. Explore the necessity of menstrual leaves in organisations for the well-being of women. Study the companies and organisations which offer menstrual leaves and how it can be implemented globally.
  113. Has the advancement of technology and easy access to the internet led to an increase in virtual violence toward women?
  114. Examine the dominance of women in modern society and the importance of participation of women in politics for better results.
  115. Does the glass ceiling still exist? Examine the difficulties faced by women to reach the top in their careers.
  116. Explore the deeply rooted system of dowry in India. Examine the relation between dowry and its impact on the poor and marginalised section.
  117. Is ‘ cancel culture’ a new type of social bullying?
  118. Discuss how cultural expectations and practices are affecting the mental health and choices of people in society.
  119. Discuss the long-term effects of child abuse on individuals’ behaviour and thinking patterns.
  120. Why are stock markets becoming more and more popular?
  121. Is same gender parenting as easy and smooth as it is displayed in the movies?
  122. Examine laws in different countries related to same-sex adoption.
  123. Have the incidents of Acid Attacks in India generated a ‘Culture Of Fear’ among women? Do women fear it while rejecting a man? Critically analyse it.
  124. Observe how the ‘Me-Too’ perspective has evolved over time
  125. Study the causes behind female foeticide and infanticide in India.
  126. Compare and contrast the challenges faced by working women and men after marriages and childbirth.
  127. Is police brutality and violence a significant threat to human rights protection?
  128. Sociologists argue for democratization of science and technology for inclusive development. Comment
  129. How do you understand the relationship between patriarchy and social development?
  130. Compare the perspectives of Mills and Reisman on Power in America.
  131. ” Ethnicity is Socially Constructed.” Discuss.
  132. What did Jameson mean by ‘Late Capitalism’ ? Discuss.

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You can customize these topics based on the requirements of your assignments. In sociology, different methods can be used to study the subject. As you can see from the list, these topics are sensitive to social issues and address a variety of life perspectives. Choose one that suits your comfort and present your dissertations effectively to get a straight A!

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