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Category: Social Issues

  • What are Social Movements in the United States?

    Social movements are not just a movement that only has some goals, but it is also an effective way to transform the existing society into a more efficient society. In which through these movements the people mould society into what they desire. The people in a society are the individuals who live there, so it…

  • Social Change: Definition, Characteristics, Causes, Types, and Examples

    Humans are social beings. We exist in a social world and observe norms, rules and traditions that are all social constructs. Therefore social change is a concept that is threaded to the very root of society. Similar to the Earth completing a strenuous rotation around the Sun every year, society undergoes social change. It shapes…


    The fat acceptance movement is certainly a lot more than one would think it might be. It means that all body types (especially those of the larger size) are inherently worthy. So who are the fat people? Every individual has a set height and weight is usually determined as per the height, for example, the…

  • Examining the portrayal of Hyper-Masculinity in Advertisements

    Abstract Gender socialization is heavily influenced by advertising. Hyper-masculinity appears to be prevalent in advertising content geared at men. Because advertising is a socializing agent, this could be damaging. Hyper-masculinity’s acceptance and idealization in advertising, as well as in our culture as a whole, should be questioned. Many young men are currently taught that being a…

  • What is the Online Disinhibition Effect? Explained in 1200 Words

    Synopsis: The online disinhibition effect is a phenomenon that seeks to explain why individuals feel like they can express themselves more openly in cyberspaces, without the fear of consequence. Dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative imagination, and minimisation of status and authority are factors that have been found to cultivate this sense of online…

  • Who Were the Shudras? by DR BR Ambedkar- Book Review

    Who Were the Shudras?: B.R. Ambedkar aims to provide clarity on the origins of the Shudra class in the caste system in India through this book of his. It was initially published in 1946, a time when caste discrimination in society was rampant, and the lower castes continued to suffer immensely. He provides evidence from…

  • Does reservation and equality go hand in hand? Essay 1225 Words

    The Reservation System be it for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Background Classes or women in India have been uniquely formed and also the first in its kind. Babasaheb Ambedkar very well noticed how the “depressed class” were on the verge of assimilation and being recognised as Hindus, drawing them further into their own humiliation….