A Reflective Note on Emile’s Durkheim’s ‘The Division of Labour in Society’

The theory of the division of labour was proposed in 1776 by Adam Smith, foreseeing the essential capitalistic need for occupational specialisation, to improve productivity in the upcoming industrial world. He highlighted the economic dependency on the division of labour. However, over a century later, in 1893, Emile Durkheim wrote The Division of Labour in … Read more

A Study of the Queer Movement in India

Queer is an umbrella term that is used to refer to those people who define themselves as not heterosexual or not cis-gender. This term may additionally be used to refer to collectives, movements and campaigns that identify themselves as queer. The spectrum of non-heteronormative identities Before beginning a discussion on the queer movement, it is … Read more

Familiarity with Alienation: Karl Marx’s Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

Introduction In Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Karl Marx aims to introduce the concept of ‘estranged labour’ and provide an expansive explanation of how it is interlinked with the concept of alienation, private property, monetary system, and the political economy. In his text, he introduces the four distinct kinds of alienation, that is, alienation of the … Read more

Citation Guide: APA, MLA and Chicago Styles and FAQs

In the world of copyright and anti-plagiarism laws, any writer’s or artist’s creative content today is better protected than ever before. However, this has also left many naive, well-meaning writers who derived inspiration from others’ work susceptible to plagiarism charges. Thus it becomes important to learn the proper way to give credit for references through … Read more

Women Empowerment Through Higher Education in Odisha: Challenges and Prospects

Abstract  Women Empowerment has always been a burning issue in India. There have been numerous academic works carried by different researcher on this topic. However, this research work lies with the fact that it attempts to bring out the connection between women empowerment and higher education in the context of one of the most under a … Read more