Pierre Bourdieu: Biography, Cultural Capital, Habitus, and Criticism

Pierre Bourdieu was a French sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher and public intellectual, who was born on 1 August 1930 and died on 23 January 2003. Bourdieu’s work was mainly a study of the dynamics of power in the society and how it is transferred within the social constructs of society and through generations. His best-known book … Read more

Why the era of “Don’t care” began

If you go through the study of classical history and Anthropology you would see that people used to live together very closely, eat together, and fight together during the war. More accurately primitive societies were collective in their every activity; for instances: hunting-gathering societies used to go for a hunt with the strong members of … Read more

What is Total Design Method in Survey Methods

Dillman says that both mail and telephone surveys are considered as the “stepchildren” of survey research and not as valuable as interview studies. He formulated something called the “Total Design Method” which enables the mail and telephonic surveys to achieve their full potential. There are two parts to the TDM; they are (a) a theoretical … Read more

Introduction to Sociology Statistics, Examples and Overview

The Introduction: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term “statistics” as “a branch of mathematics which deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.” The definition is very apt in what needs to be conveyed. The field of mathematics has a very strong influence on the statistical analysis of data. It … Read more

What is Projective Method in Research

PROJECTIVE METHOD: This is the method of data gathering through doll play, picture interpretation or sentence completion, which can be used with both children and adults. It is used as a means to draw out the respondent’s inner feelings when a direct question is inappropriate or when the true purpose of the study cannot be … Read more